torek, 26. februar 2008

What job freedom is about

Welcome to my blog!

Job freedom is a concept I have started to think about in the last months.To understand where it comes from, it is absolutely necessary for me to tell you a story about my last months of life. I am a 25 year old guy who dropped out of graphic design college at the last semester. Didn't exactly drop out, just got a job and don't have the time to finish it. I changed three jobs in the last year, all in graphic design and each new one better payed than the last. The problem is that i have some more money, but i also work more, so much more that i hardly have any free time and what I have I am too tired to enjoy it. I have found that it is absolutely necessary that in order to enjoy life, one has to be free from a regular job (regular meant as a 9 to 5 job having to work your ass off and having a bad feeling if you don't put all your energy in your work, also being scared of your employer). So I decided that my mission for this year is to do something about this. Job freedom it a place for sharing your ideas about being free from a job and still financially well off. How do we achieve this freedom from scratch in the least possible time?(by scratch i mean zero money). This blog is dedicated to all that choose the path to become job free and it's mission is to share the knowledge and experience of people who have already achieved this and to motivate people on this path.

Enjoy your stay and have the blissful life you deserve!

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